Friday, November 21, 2014

Looking For An Answer

There are times you come to a place where a decision must be made.
You assess the situation and pray for God's direction.
Sometimes in that prayer you ask God to answer in a way that seems reasonable to you.
God in his infinite wisdom, grace and love often has his own way in which to answer.
You wait expectantly for the answer and when the answer presents it's self in a way other than what you expected,
 you feel that either God has not answered your prayer, so now you make our own decision, or you really had your mind made up to do what you wanted all along, but somehow thought if would be best to get God to agree with you.
Whichever the thought process, you have gone our own way.
You may not have realized his silence was the answer to wait, the time was not yet right, or simply that God had an answer that you in your limited knowledge, and understanding had not anticipated.
Whichever the case , it is always best to trust God even when we don't understand his reasoning.
God is never caught off guard, he has never had nor will he ever have a "wow I never saw that coming."  moment,  He knows the beginning and the end of everything.
This is why we can trust him with all our heart, even when we don't understand the details, acknowledge that he knows what is best, and allow him to direct you to what is best.
When we make this a way of life.
We will find ourselves truly living in peace.
For out side of his peace is stress and worry which takes from the life,
that he sent his Son Jesus to give to us.

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