Monday, February 23, 2015

I Will Not Walk In Fear

There are many things in our lives that can bring about feelings of fear.
The thought of not knowing what is ahead can be frightening.
We can find ourselves fearful of experiencing something new.
Things that are unfamiliar to us leaving us not knowing what to expect can be a frightening thing.
The thing about fear is, that it can paralyze you if you allow it.
You won't make a move outside of your comfort zone for fear.
Fear will leave you limited in your abilities, your opportunities, in your life.
We have to make up our minds that we will not allow fear to hold us back from living.
That's why our knowing a God that would give up His only begotten Son, knowing a God that knew the brutal death this Son would endure for each of us,  our knowing a God that would make a way for us not to be separated from His love, our knowing a God that so deeply love us that he has made a plan and a way for us to experience his perfect love through out our lives, is so vitally important.
When we come to a realization of His wonderful love, when we know we can depend on Him to give us the very best for our lives, as only a perfect Father would do.
We can live a life without fear.
As it is written in I John 4:18 " I am not tormented because ALL fear is cast out in God's perfect love."

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Trust Him To Lead

We serve an awesome and mighty God, that knows us personally, for he has created us.
He created us with a purpose and a plan.
God wants to lead us in a life full of purpose, for which he has a perfect plan.
Some think God does not speak to us much, or at all.
I believe God speaks to us, and more than we think, answering prayer more than we believe.
We often feel that if God has not chosen to answer in the way we expect, that he has not answered us.
There are times we question if God has indeed spoken to us regarding a thing.
This feeling of doubt often sending thoughts of fear; of being wrong, looking foolish, or pending disappointment.
We must learn to quiet the voice of doubt.
 Doubt can often sound like our own voice.
We quiet the voice of doubt, by learning the voice of God.
When we talk regularly on the phone, or in person with people we learn to recognize their voice.
It is in this same manner that we learn to recognize the voice of God.
The more time spent relating with someone, the better you are able to recognize their voice.
This is what the Lord God wants of us.
He wants us to make our relating to him and cultivating a relationship  with him a priority.
God wants to lead us to a place of rest in him, permitting him take control, trusting him to steer us to a wonderful life which he has planned special for us.
The time spent developing this relationship will bring us to a place of knowing we can trust him to take control, knowing he has only our best interest at heart.
John 10:14" I am the good shepherd, I know my  own sheep, and they know me."
When you know and trust he only wants the best for us, we relinquish control allowing him to take over and direct.
John 10:27" My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me."
He is ready to direct our path, are we ready to listen and follow?
He wants to lead us to our divine destiny.


Monday, February 9, 2015

It's All About Me Isn't It?

Since birth, more often than not, people have had the, It's all about me mindset.
An infant comes into the world and demands what it wants.
The infant cries, no matter the time of day or night.
He wants a diaper change, or is hungry, wants to be held, or just your attention.
No, it doesn't matter that you are sleep, or busy doing other things, or plain old tired.
That baby wants what it wants NOW!
Okay, he is just a baby and can't do for himself & is dependent on you,
but here we are, not still infants, with this same infant selfish mentality.
It's all about me, isn't it?
You are willing to help others, or act on something if in some way it is a benefit to you.
I am sure you get the picture I am painting however sad but true it maybe.
There are often kind deeds done but with wrong motive.
2Timothy 3:2-5"People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- having a form of godliness but denying it's power..." This is a description of signs of the last days. I would say were already there, because...
It's all about me Isn't it?
There's a change needed in this mindset.
When you do your good deeds, check your true motives.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

No More Fear

There are individuals who seem always to view things from such a negative place.
They desire to do something in life but see all the reasons why that can't do it.
These individuals often focus on what they don't have to offer instead of on what they do have.
I am quite familiar with this type of individual, because I was this individual.
When your focus is on all that could go wrong, you leave little to no room for expecting things to go right.
This kind of situation lends itself to feelings of hopelessness.
This feeling of hopelessness doesn't allow you to visualize all the good that could await you, if you opened yourself to them.
This person closes doors to great opportunities.
This person gives himself to fear.
FEAR = False  Expectations  Appearing  Real
A life of fear is not much of a life at all.
The word of God says' in 2Timothy 1:7" God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and power and a sound mind."
Next time fear tries to hold you back from living.
You speak to that fear with your authority, and say what God say's about you,Isaiah 12:2"I am not afraid because God is my salvation and I trust Him."