Monday, April 25, 2016

Go Up Higher

We make decisions based on the information gathered through our senses and processed in our minds. God is calling us to a higher level of thinking. Philippians 2:5 "Let this mind be in you which also in Christ Jesus." In all that Jesus did, he did according to what he saw and heard with his heavenly Father. John 5:19 "...most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father do; for whatever he does, the Son also does in like manner."" We are called to do the same. As followers of Christ, we are to follow Chirst's example.
 Let us not forget Ephesians 2:6 "that we have been raised up together and seated together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus." Think of how the view changes when you are going up in a plane, or on a ride at a carnival or theme park, which takes you up high off the ground. When you view things at eye level you don't see much beyond what's in front of you, but as you go up higher, you are able to get a better view of what's around you. Your perception changes based on the position from which you are viewing. If we remember that we are seated in heavenly places in Christ, our perception and decisions should change greatly. This is the place we are to make our decisions from, seated up high in the heavenlies, in Christ.
In this position the cares of the world look much smaller than when we viewed them at our earthly eye level.
I encourage you to go up higher and get a better view, therefore being able to make better decisions.

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