Monday, March 28, 2016

Follower of Chirst or Just a Follower, Believer of Christ or Just a Believer?

In the Christian faith terms often used to identify with the faith is; Christian, Follower of Christ, or simply Follower or Believer.
Let us go deeper into what is the truth of the matter.
If you are a Christian indeed, you are to believe Christ and follow his example.
However the society in which we live, love titles which at times do not reflect who we are or what we do.
They are simply titles, sounding good to the ear, appearing nicely on paper and satisfying to the flesh.
When Jesus called his disciples, he said, Matthew 4:19 "Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men." (NKJV) this was a call to follow his way of life and bring men out of darkness into the light, where there is life.
It is possible to get caught up in titles and worldly perspectives, loosing sight of truth, which Jesus came to demonstrate.
 John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father (God) except through Me." (NKJV)
If you say you love God, you must believe God's word, in following his Son, Jesus Christ.
We have followers and believers which like the Christian title as it makes them feel good, but they do not like nor choose the live a Christian life style.
They choose the ways of the world's majority rather than the word of God, which Jesus followed.
We have followers and believes of men and groups that appear powerful, making false promises which sound good while destroying lives and therefore surely isn't of God.
We have a society of followers and believers of only parts of the word of God, and the life of Christ, which accommodate and satisfy their own beliefs and way's of life.
I guess this would be the part-timers.
Christianity is however a full time 24/7 position one must choose, though at times you may have off days when you find yourself weary and weak, stumbling and sometimes falling, but returning to position. 
Jesus came to restore relationship with God and man, a reconciliation that brings life.
John 10:10 "...I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly."
Jesus made the greatest sacrifice on the cross for all men, as there was no other perfect, God/Man that could save man from his destruction.
But God made a way through Jesus Christ.
Now ask yourself, are you a follower and believer of Christ or just a follower and believer. 
We all believe an follow something.

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