Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Praying Without Ceasing

There is so much going on in the world today
and sadly enough much of it is not good.
Even many good deeds that are done are not from a pure heart with pure motives.
There are some who do good things for wrong reasons.
There are some who will grant you a favor only to hold their good deed over your head, making you feel that you are in debt to them forever.
Then there are those who won't do anything for anyone else but are always looking for someone to  help them.
Oh there are many people, situations and circumstances that we all know of, that requires us to pray.
There's always something to talk to God about.
If not a request for the Lord to move in a situation,
 it should be a prayer of thanksgiving for how He has already moved and worked on our behalf. 
There's always someone or something going on around us that is needing prayer to be offered to God.
James 5:16 says "...the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."
We are not only to pray but believe God for answers.
Matthew 21:22"And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."
The way things are going around us, we need to be praying and believing God more,
doing as it says in 1Thessalonians 5:17" pray without ceasing."
You can pray in your car even while you are driving,
 instead of talking and texting on the phone while driving.
It's safer.
You can pray while you are cleaning, while exercising, cooking, working.
You can pray pretty much any time and any where.
So let us make a decision to pray without ceasing, believing God.
You and I and the whole world need it.

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