Friday, April 24, 2015

How's Your Heart?

I like this saying which I have heard a few times that goes something like this  "Sitting in a church every Sunday makes you no more a Christian, than you sitting in a garage makes you a car."
This is quite true, yet many are deceived in believing this lie, that because they go to church regularly or not, that makes them a Christian.
Isaiah 59:2 "But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear."
The Lord promises never to leave nor forsake us, those that are his.
The above mentioned scripture says his face is hidden from you and He does not hear you, but how can that be if he is with you and wont' ever leave you?
Since God is not a God who can lie, it can only mean one thing.
He is not with you because you are not his.
When we do things out of tradition, habit, or routine, just going through the motions, there is nothing heartfelt, about the activity.
Our interactions with the Lord should be with thought, and heartfelt.
If going to church, working in a ministry, helping others is out of a sense of meeting a requirement,
I am sorry to inform you that you have been deceived and Isaiah 59:2 is speaking to you.
God does not want your money, your duties, your met quota's, He wants your heart.
When you operate from the heart, it is with thoughts of obeying and pleasing God and desire to truly help another.
If what you do is out of obligation of meeting Christian requirements, I suggest you get a heart check.
God wants the pure heart.

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