Thursday, August 27, 2015

He Knows Your Due Date

I am sure we can all relate to having doubt or doubted that God really hears and answers prayer.
I remember asking God for things that seemed a life time in waiting for answers.
And here I am now old enough to know God works in his own perfect timing.
I am sure there are also some of you that feel that there is something you really want to do,
something that is great and amazing.
I want to encourage you not to give up on that dream of greatness.
You were created for greatness.
You were created to bring to this world something wonderful in a way that only you can do.
  Psalm 139:14 "You are the marvelous work of God's hand that has been fearfully and wonderfully made."
God has impregnated you with possibility
He is getting you prepared to handle the labor to bring that dream, that desire forward.
1John 4:4 "...he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
People may look at  your outward appearance and not see the potential that is in you,
but God who by way of the Holy Spirit impregnated you with possibility,
He sees and knows how long it will take for that possibility to fully develop.
He knows the exact date you can expect to give birth to that greatness.
 Philippians4:6 "be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request me made know to God.
Our omniscient God knows just when we are ready to handle the responsibility for that which  you have petitioned him for.
Our omniscient God does not give us more than we can bare.
 He knows your due date.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

You've Got A Testimony, so Share It

Today while in family bible study a bible scripture leaped off the page to me.
That scripture was Psalms 78:5 "For He established a testimony in Jacob,
And appointed a law in Israel."
The Lord has done some awesome things in our lives and we need not be quiet about them.
We are witnesses to his wonderful goodness and we need to Testify of all the good and marvelous things the Lord has done in our lives.
We are also to share God's word, which is the power unto salvation.
When a person who was a drunkard can say unashamed " I was a drunk but God delivered me from drunkenness, He came and cleaned me up and took away my taste for alcohol."
When a person who once lived the homosexual life style can say unashamed. "I once lived a life of homosexuality, but God came and delivered me, yes,  I occasionally struggle with same sex attraction but God gives me the grace and strength to say no to my feelings and my ways while giving me His peace and willingness to say yes to His ways."
If we would be willing to take time,  being free, bold, transparent and courageous enough to tell our story of God's goodness in our lives,  I am confident that we would have more people seeking our Lord for his help, for his healing, for his deliverance. for his strength, peace and grace. 
We are instructed to love God first and one another in His law,  and our testimony is a way of doing just that.
Through our testimony of the Lords goodness in our lives we can draw mankind toward The Saviour that is able and willing to save them from all manner of evil.
It does not matter how messed up we think or feel we are.
The Lord's hand is extended to help us and he won't pull back to first grab a glove no matter how messed up we are.
His holiness is pure enough to sanitize the worst filth.
You've got a testimony, so share it and God's word.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Be Still

I delivered a message this past Sunday,
and in that message the Holy Spirit spoke through me, on how my life was like a see-saw or merry-go-round ride.
I would get in a relationship (see-saw ride) that took me up and down and later finding myself out of the relationship (see-saw),  yet having the lingering effects of that up and down motion.
Not waiting to have a settling of the effect from the ride.
Finding my way onto the next relationship (a merry-go-round) which took me round and round and once over,
I was dizzy from all the spinning, and yet again without settling from it's effects I just kept moving from see-saw to merry-go-round until FINALLY, I stopped and stood still.
I got my faculties about myself and glanced back, not having to look very far at all, I saw I had never gone any where.
Each time I got on the relationship ride, I went in telling myself "this time the ride would be different."
Somehow, this time the see-saw or merry-go-round will in someway go a differently than before.
It will no longer just go up and down or round and round,
but how or why would it go differently?
This is what see-saw's and merry-go-rounds do,
They go up and down or round and round, and to expect them to do anything else would be insanity.
It was insanity.
It was that moment of stillness, that the Lord had brought me to and He kept me there still
long enough to hear him say from Psalm 46:10 " Be still, and know that I am God..."
All the years I spent going from one relationship ride to the next just to find that I was still in the same place where I had gotten on.
I had never stood still long enough to recognize that these relationships were taking me no where
and than the Lord intervened in this stillness and I was able to recognize that it was this relationship
that would  move me, that would take me somewhere.
This relationship is by far no see-saw nor merry-go-round.
The Lord had a plan for my life.
I needed to be still and settle down from all the spinning and up and down
and when I did, I was able to see clearly and make a sound decision.
I was able to see that I needed a relationship with the Lord.
I was able to trust him and  still do.
I can now look back and see how far I have come.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Jesus Is The Answer

If there was someone who had the answer to every question, every problem you faced
would you go to them for answers?
If there was someone who would and could keep a promise to be with you always, never to leave you
would you allow them to?
If there was someone who would forgive you of all of your many mistakes when you truly sought forgiveness, would you repent?
If there was someone who could keep a promise to provide your every need, would you look to them for your provisions?
If there was someone who could make all the wrong choices you'll ever make, work out for something good, would you take those wrongs to them?
If there was someone who loved you unconditionally no matter what,
would you be willing to love them back?
If there was someone who would give up their own life so that you could live, allowing you a life better than any you could ever imagine,
would you diligently seek for them?
Well there is someone and He is not only able but willing to fulfill all of His promises to you.
His name is Jesus and He say's (John 19:30 "...It is finished...")
He's done his part, it's now up to you to do yours and take hold of his promises.
John 14:6 "Jesus answered "I am the way and the truth and the life..."
Jesus is the answer