It is my cry that the Lord will help us in our spiritual laziness.
There are times I find myself spiritually lazy.
I don't feel like reading the word of God, I don't feel like praying, I don't feel like attending or participating in events that spiritually benefit others or myself.
It is in these moments of spiritual laziness that we must learn to press beyond our feelings.
Pressing beyond our feelings is a demonstration of self-control.
We should not allow our feelings to dictate what we do.
Our feelings can change from one moment to the next
from one situation to the next, from one person to the next.
When we learn to not allow our feelings to control us,
we also demonstrate spiritual maturity.
It is stated in Luke 2:52 "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature..."
This scripture speaks of Jesus growing not only physically but also in maturity.
Jesus had to spiritually mature, becoming more aware of who He truly was, whose He was and what that meant.
The enemy takes great delight and counts on our being spiritually lazy.
Our spiritual laziness helps the enemies plan for us.
The enemy has a plan too and that is to steal, to kill and destroy our lives.
When we are spiritually lazy, we are ignorant to who we truly are, or we easily forget, as it is God's word and Holy Spirit that teaches and remind us who and whose we are and what that means.
Romans 10:17 "so faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."
Work and social enjoyment are viewed as, and are beneficial to mankind,
and man is often dilligent in working and having some type of social outlet,
while the word of God is often viewed and treated as insignificant.
Cares of this world have become priority to many, even Christians.
The busier we become with the cares of this world the more spiritually lazy we grow.